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  • Symphony


    Tribe Topic
    Mortgages & Finance Is it worth the hassle to change BTL lender?
    Legal FAQs Tenants asked to change meter to key meter
    Legal FAQs Create company to maintain rented properties
    Legal FAQs ICO for Landlord and handyman company
    Tenant Referencing Tenants recommended from an estate agent
    Tenant Referencing GPDR regulation
    Legal FAQs Paying rent (AST) from a business account
    LHA/Universal Credit Universal credit for couples/single mum
    Property-a-holics Buy a house near work or commute daily?
    Refurbish/Develop Decorative stuff for holiday home, hotel
    Tenant Referencing Tenants reluctant to give bank statements
    Council Tax Legislation and Council tax
    Legal FAQs Can we keep the storage room under AST
    LHA/Universal Credit Eligibility for receiving Universal credit
    Council Tax A raise in the Council tax for the extension
    Council Tax Council tax query for an outbuilding
    Tax General query about submit a tax return.
    Property-a-holics Lodgers need to find a place urgently
    Legal FAQs Double vs single lodgers and longterm
    Tax BTL homes pay higher tax than residential ?