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  • @homeproperties

    David brockhurst

    Tribe Topic
    Peer to Peer Lending Concerns about investing with East 8 / LCD
    Tax 9 reasons why Section 24 will be reversed
    Buy-to-Let Landlords as "corner shops" vs. big players?
    Buy-to-Let BTL out-performs most other investments
    Buy-to-Let Cash increasingly looking like king in BTL
    Property Prices Carney warns of 30% drop in house prices
    Tax Effective tax rate of 66% for landlords
    London Property Market Today’s London market - bargains to be had?
    Mortgages & Finance Days of interest-only mortgages numbered?
    Buy-to-Let Critique my deal -15% ROI too good to be true
    In the Spotlight Budget 2018 - landlord & housing perspective
    Tax Cry to let: SDLT threat in Autumn Budget?
    Tax SDLT receipts down by a 3rd of a £billion
    Buy-to-Let Which political party is "landlord friendly"?
    Buy-to-Let Government proposing 3 year minimum tenancy
    Buy-to-Let PRS discrimination claim - "No DSS"
    Refurbish/Develop Getting started - Buy, refurb, sell business?
    Property-a-holics Fergus Wilson - "bell-wether" for landlords?
    Buy-to-Let Structuring BTL business
    Buy-to-Let Do the wealthy invest in BTL?