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  • Apismalifica

    Jane Sanders

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics We thought this was an April Fool - but it's real!
    Refurbish/Develop Replacement doors for 60/40 integrated fridge
    Buy-to-Let Cash purchase initial bid
    HMO & Multi-Lets 3 lodgers = HMO, what about size of each room
    Deposit Protection Cleaning property yourself at end of tenancy?
    Property-a-holics Tenant inviting me round for dinner
    Buy-to-Let Dilemma time - keep the faith with BTL?
    Property-a-holics Integrated appliances?
    Buy-to-Let Could there be a government BTL compromise?
    Community Do your friends know that you are a landlord?
    Landlord Resources White goods in a BTL - tenants repair them?
    Insurance Insurance for self storage unit.Who do u use?
    Buy-to-Let Has Boris lost the plot with Right to Buy?
    Refurbish/Develop Weird damp spots- most effective way to fix
    Property-a-holics Room thermostat recommendation on EPC
    Property-a-holics How many do another viewing before exchange?
    LHA/Universal Credit Family member
    Leasehold Property Carpet or laminate flooring in a flat?
    Buy-to-Let Upcoming EPC requirement to C
    Buy-to-Let Bristol to pilot rent controls