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  • MaxKarpis

    Max Karpis

    Tribe Topic
    Rent-to-Rent Rent 2 Rent - I am having a "blonde moment"!
    London Property Market How to ... Buy to Let (BTL) in London.
    Property-a-holics Is a short lease a problem or an opportunity?
    Self-Managing Landlords What are people doing now that upmystreet.co.uk is no more?
    Property-a-holics London Property
    In the Spotlight The best money you have ever spent in property?
    Property Prices Is affordability of property in the UK hitting crises point?
    Legal FAQs New laws to dictate that landlords only let to "legal" immigrants.
    In the Spotlight New BBC 1 programme - "Meet the Landlords"
    Buy-to-Let "Austerity? You ain't seen nothing yet!" says Guild of Letting economist.
    Investors in Distress Things that make you go Hmmmmm: Property experts asking for loans.
    Buy-to-Let FCA regulations, JVs and unhappy armchair investors?
    Property Prices Ten ways to burst a property bubble - ouch!
    Tax Offsetting interest against income
    Property-a-holics I detect a bubble and what happens to them....?
    Property-a-holics What I'd never buy again!
    Landlord Resources House prices - Acadametrics
    Investors in Distress 8 signs you are about to become a victim of a property investment scam.
    Refurbish/Develop Costs (Approx).
    HMO & Multi-Lets 2nd Room Rate for HMO LHATenants