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  • james_dearsley

    James Dearsley

    Tribe Topic
    Holiday Lets Coastal property rocks ... !
    Property Prices The North/South divide - property perspective
    Insurance Tenants' contents insurance cover
    Holiday Lets Are there any portals that you recommend for advertising your UK or overseas holiday let?
    Holiday Lets Creating "purple cows" in holiday lets
    Self-Managing Landlords Search Engine Optimisation
    Property-a-holics Don't give up the day job!
    Holiday Lets Marketing holiday lets using social media ....
    Property-a-holics Advice on selling an overseas property investment
    Holiday Lets 2011 ... already shaping up to be a bumper year for U.K. holiday lets ... ?
    Property-a-holics Is there the equivalent of Gumtree for holiday lets?
    Holiday Lets PT TV: Talking holiday lets with Phil Agius of PureHolidayHomes.com @pureholidayhome
    Self-Managing Landlords Google+
    Buy-to-Let Continuing a tenancy: renew 6 month AST or let it become periodic - what do people do?
    Holiday Lets Miaow ... !! Creative holiday lets marketing ...
    Property-a-holics German Rental Issues
    Property-a-holics Cyprus - problems with maintenance payments
    Holiday Lets Anyone using group buying websites to fill empty weeks?
    Buy-to-Let The Dispute Service
    Community Any tribal Dads out there?