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  • jane_macswayne

    Jane Macswayne

    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Time to ditch "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" & spend!
    Property Management How to get tenants to deal with damp they caused?
    LHA/Universal Credit April changes to benefit rates and LHA
    Property-a-holics Brace yourself for the "Renters' Rights Bill"
    Property-a-holics Tenant left in the dark when BTL sold
    Self-Managing Landlords Mould issue - cleaning not solving it
    Buy-to-Let High maintenance tenants?
    Buy-to-Let Landlords lining up for a BTL exodus?
    Banking, Equity, & Debt War Chest - Where do you keep yours?
    Buy-to-Let Difference in rent compared to market value
    Buy-to-Let Government planning to push landlords to extinction?
    Entrepreneurs Premium bonds
    Tax HMRC issue "STOP notice" to Property118
    Legal FAQs Dealing with unauthorized tenants in my BTL
    Buy-to-Let Renters Rights Bill - your business response?
    Property-a-holics Landlord navigation advice when feeling fear
    Property-a-holics Aging landlords falling off PRS perch?
    Tax "Die with Zero" strategy
    HMO & Multi-Lets Tenant using class A drugs - action?
    Property-a-holics My plan for my BTL Autumn years