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  • catdog1121


    Tribe Topic
    Tax Will CGT rises stop landlords selling up?
    Buy-to-Let Electric Heating - Storage vs Panel heating
    Mortgages & Finance Yay! BTL mortgage rates are dropping!
    Property Management Letting agent exit fees
    Tenant Referencing Accept a tenant based on a gut feeling?
    Buy-to-Let Rent free - Socialists' wet dream.....
    Buy-to-Let Tenant has left the country
    Buy-to-Let Advice on no rent increase for 5 years
    Property-a-holics Landlords respond to King's Speech
    LHA/Universal Credit LHA rates have increased March 2024
    Investors in Distress I breached an NDA to mind the GAP
    Financial Advice It didn't take long: pensions means tested
    Buy-to-Let Kings Speech predictions....
    Property-a-holics Potential ISA changes and implications
    Insurance The power of Rent Guarantee Insurance (RGI)
    Tax Section 24 - could we be owed compensation?
    Property Management How to get tenants to deal with damp they caused?
    Property-a-holics Who will get the landlords' vote, and why?
    Property-a-holics Ed Miliband and the march to C rating
    Property-a-holics Round up of Election result reactions