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    Richard Bowen

    Tribe Topic
    Refurbish/Develop Sourcing Refurb/Development Opportunities
    Mortgages & Finance Property Development Finance
    Property-a-holics My Story (and a bit of advice please)
    Property-a-holics How will Brexit affect your property plans?
    Refurbish/Develop ‘Buy to Sell’ – Increased returns!
    Tax Section 24 - landlords must take action now
    Refurbish/Develop What kind of profit margin do you expect?
    Insurance Public Liability Insurance
    Tax Clause 24 Brexit Impact
    HMO & Multi-Lets Government consultation on expansion of HMO licensing
    Refurbish/Develop Asbestos Survey
    Buy-to-Let Section 21
    Property-a-holics Higer rate Stamp duty on buy to sell?
    Property-a-holics 2015 Autumn Statement from a landlord and property perspective
    Tax Landlord tax changes: join and share our Action Plan to fight back!
    Student Accommodation Couple Questions from a Newbie regarding mortgages
    Buy-to-Let Proof property used as HMO before Article 4
    Property-a-holics Budget Change
    Refurbish/Develop Business Plan for Flipping
    Refurbish/Develop Sourcing Developments