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  • ManInTheMoon


    Tribe Topic
    Property Seminars Lessons learned from being rinsed by a guru
    New Landlords Moral vs. financial dilemma - thoughts?
    Tax Tax Deductible Landlord Expenses Or Not?
    Property-a-holics Is your home an asset or a liability?
    Tax Navigating the property tax law minefield?
    Buy-to-Let Continue to grow portfolio - or alternative?
    Problem Tenants Tenant slowly destroying my property
    Leasehold Property Potential high value flat with 10 Year Lease
    Refurbish/Develop Restore or replace Victorian Rim Locks?
    Deal Finding & Analysis House to Flat Conversion Analysis, Requested
    Commercial Property Commercial opportunity - please critique!
    Legal FAQs Transfer Income to Spouse With Deed Of Trust
    Property-a-holics Is this an acceptable way to make an offer?
    Buy-to-Let Ideal buy to let with no building regs
    Buy-to-Let Buy, refurbish rent or buy with discount
    Legal FAQs Using Limited Company funds to buy property?
    Mortgages & Finance Next to fish n' chip shop = unmortgageable?
    Property-a-holics HMO right up my street
    Buy-to-Let Workaround - stubborn estate agent?
    Property Yields How to generate £2K net income pcm - BTL/HMO?