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  • Loganjehall


    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics 10 new rules of property investment
    In the Spotlight New BBC 1 programme - "Meet the Landlords"
    Deal Finding & Analysis How to become talented at finding property deals.
    Self-Managing Landlords Is Proptech anything new or is it just the next round of innovation in property
    Buy-to-Let The worst landlord in the UK ?
    Self-Managing Landlords Digital Landord #1 - Building your rental reputation - with MoveBubble.com
    Self-Managing Landlords Are you building your rental reputation?
    Self-Managing Landlords Kate Faulkner & Vanessa Warwick talking Supply and Demand in UK Housing
    Buy-to-Let Does BTL have a long-term future?
    Self-Managing Landlords When you take a reference from a prospective renter, what do you need to see?
    Self-Managing Landlords What rental tasks are just downright annoying and where can technology help?
    Property-a-holics Thief YourMove Letting Agent Caught on Camera
    Property-a-holics Is Generation Rent here to stay... and is that a bad thing?
    Self-Managing Landlords Nick Tadd gives us the lowdown on the future of technology in the rental market
    Buy-to-Let Want to learn about property investment from a seasoned professional? Look no further
    Self-Managing Landlords Property Tech event - London Tech Week 20th June