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  • Omario


    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Metro Property Group in Detroit/Sameer Beydoun
    Mortgages & Finance Serious property investors may shun Facebook as lenders use social connections
    Investors in Distress Ben Rogers - is Simon Zutshi correct?
    Mortgages & Finance New BTL mortgage products & ranges - Jan 2017
    Property-a-holics What are the limits of London's commuter belt?
    Property-a-holics First time Investor dilemma
    Buy-to-Let French Leaseback Ski Property
    Property-a-holics The Council`s Powers re Council Tax
    Property Prices Impact of shale fracking on property prices in the U.K.
    Stickies & Evergreen Is "Risk" a four letter word in property?
    Buy-to-Let Deposit 1 Big 1 or 2 small ones
    Buy-to-Let BTL due diligence
    Property-a-holics Any recommended furniture pack companies?
    Property-a-holics Someone signed the renting contract using my name, without my permission!
    New Landlords BTL Opportunity . advice sought please!
    Insurance Buy to Sell Property Insurance
    Holiday Lets French holiday lets (ski)
    Property-a-holics Best places to invest in property in the U.K.?
    Property-a-holics Form 17
    Buy-to-Let 20% of landlords to quit following recent tax changes - claim