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  • Nick_Dare

    Nick Dare

    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Terraced homes are the Landlords favourite ...
    Property-a-holics Best ways to add value to a property ... ?
    Banking, Equity, & Debt War Chest - Where do you keep yours?
    Property-a-holics Do some valuers deserve a kick in the comparables ... ?
    Property-a-holics Where did you all get started in property?
    Property-a-holics Damage to bathroom
    Property-a-holics How does your garden grow ... (your portfolio)?
    Property-a-holics Climate Change and How it may impact property values
    Holiday Lets Potential yield from holiday lets if I buy £400k of property
    Property-a-holics Why I will never buy another flat (outside London) again ....
    Entrepreneurs Good / Inspirational books you reccomend?
    Financial Advice Property the new Pension? Who is looking for investment returns and choosing property above equities or pensions?
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: Is the property market in the U.K. starting to polarise ... ?
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: Are the new "austerity measures" being introduced going to affect certain sectors of the property
    Property-a-holics 2011 Forecasts - Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is For Charity!
    In the Spotlight In the Spotlight .... John Corey .....
    Community Open Letter to David Cameron
    Holiday Lets U.K. holiday lets are the investment opportunity of the decade ... says me.
    Property-a-holics Advice on yields etc for newbie please
    New Landlords New member introduction and challenge