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  • Angela Bryant

    Angela Bryant

    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Buy to let vs. Buy to sell - trying to compare an apple to an orange.
    In the Spotlight Property "Thought of the day".
    Property-a-holics Guide: Giving up day job to become a landlord
    Property-a-holics Is the most money in property investing to be made out of boredom?
    Stickies & Evergreen Property strategies going head to head.
    Auction Tribe Paul Ribbons Property Trading via Auctions
    Property-a-holics Curated : Buy cheap or expensive for BTL?
    Community Tragic events unfolding in training sector
    Property-a-holics Trust - How easily we are fooled.
    Tax National Insurance contribution - landlord
    Buy-to-Let How a £25 repair bill turned into £18,000 costs for a stingy landlord.
    Buy-to-Let Homelessness - you ain't seen nothing yet!
    Investors in Distress Ben Rogers is back in action
    Buy-to-Let Death and what happens to your business?
    Property-a-holics Property doubles in value every 6-10 years...
    Property-a-holics Passive income not all its cracked up to be?
    Property-a-holics Buying a dozen properties in a year
    Property Prices Property prices double every ten years - will we see this again?
    Buy-to-Let "Dinner Party" Landlords selling up ...
    Stickies & Evergreen Give me 3 reasons to remain invested in BTL