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  • anthony_ayton

    anthony ayton

    Tribe Topic
    Entrepreneurs Be wary of JVs that are not "joint" at all
    Refurbish/Develop Best way of adding value to a property?
    London Property Market Crossrail's effect on London housing & property prices
    Investors in Distress How to get your money back from unscrupulous companies ...
    Auction Tribe Paul Ribbons Property Trading via Auctions
    Investors in Distress The Good Property Company | Susannah Cole
    Property-a-holics According @MoneyWeek, investors are doomed!
    Property-a-holics 11 scenarios that make a property unmortgageable.
    Property Prices BrExit - impact on property market
    Property Prices "A bad property deal is like a bad haircut ... it will grow out" ... or will it?
    Landlord Resources Just met Paul Preston aka the 'HMO Guy'
    Property-a-holics The 10 best U.K. towns or cities to invest in for under £50k
    Auction Tribe Auctions, solicitors, legal packs, best practice?
    Property-a-holics Start letting agency for tax purposes
    Property-a-holics Property sourcers aren't selling deals that are really 30% BMV!
    Property-a-holics Repolist - issues?
    Property-a-holics 10 property predictions for the next 10 years
    Entrepreneurs Build a £1 million portfolio with an income of £50,000 in 12 months
    Peer to Peer Lending I've got £20K to invest, but can't get a mortgage.How can I get involved in property?