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  • Howard


    Tribe Topic
    Community Why the Glenn Armstrong thread was deleted....
    Landlord Resources U.K. towns and cities ranked by the value of their property inventory ...
    Entrepreneurs New Property Tribes event reveals how to generate MASSIVE cash and buy property using NMD in a legitimate format.
    HMO & Multi-Lets Get 5-10% of your HMO property purchase value as an additional expense against rental income
    Investors in Distress Has the Tribe fallen out of love with property or with each other...
    Refurbish/Develop Need to renovate flat but have no refurb / building experience
    Landlord Resources UK’s leading credit reference agency launches Rental Exchange.
    Property-a-holics BOI rate increase
    Property-a-holics New Buy Scheme Launched By Grant Shapps
    Property-a-holics Retire on 5 properties or less
    Investors in Distress JV partners on PT ?
    Property-a-holics ARLA calls on Osborne to give landlords tax breaks
    Property-a-holics Tigrent split with Kevin Green
    Entrepreneurs Put in a planning application to build a prison in the street next to the property you want to buy to reduce value
    Property-a-holics Is it me, or is it a lot quieter in the property arena of late ...?
    Landlord Resources Best personal loans to use for funding mortgage deposit?
    Property-a-holics Egypt
    Mortgages & Finance Abbey are restricting interest only loans to 50%, down from 75%! New policy takes effect from Friday...
    Property-a-holics Howard The Duck "But what is market value for properties up north which are falling in value like a lead balloon?" True
    Buy-to-Let Buying a property without a completion Certificate