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  • richard_francis

    Richard J. Francis

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Top 10 places to buy in the UK
    In the Spotlight In the Spotlight .... John Corey .....
    Property-a-holics Do not underestimate the power of "showing up" ...
    Community Anyone in BNI?
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: Can there be too many property forums ... ?
    Property-a-holics Have You ever come across anybody who was just not cut out to be a landlord?
    Landlord Resources Small networking groups in Berkshire/London???
    Property-a-holics Turn the High Street into homes to solve housing crisis
    Property-a-holics What do people think about the present state of the Euro in relation to overseas property investment in the Euro Zone?
    Property-a-holics Where will house prices be in 2020?
    Entrepreneurs Mantras for business
    Landlord Resources Find out why a portfolio of content on the web is as valuable as a property portfolio ....
    Property-a-holics Should you invest in the industry you work in?
    Property-a-holics Booth babes and black eyes ... the best (and not so good) of the Property Investor Show 2010 @investor_show #propshow
    Property-a-holics Russia and Cyprus sign double taxation and 14 other agreements ....
    Property-a-holics Cyprus - time to make a stand?
    Property-a-holics Cyprus Property Title - Reality Check
    New Landlords re building trade advice
    In the Spotlight Vanessa interviews Michael Oon @michaeloon about using Feng Shui in property investment ...
    Entrepreneurs How the work of @4_walls helped me make a huge transitional change - and succeed