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  • joanna_caroline


    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: Should the word "flipping" be banned by serious investors?!
    Property-a-holics The Ethics of Property Meeting Organisers
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: When is the best time to invest in property?
    Property-a-holics @IAmALandlord Tweet Tweet
    Entrepreneurs Everyone needs a Dave! The unsung heroes of property ... ?
    Property-a-holics Anyone else jaded by the term BMV?
    Self-Managing Landlords Still leafletting .... placing ads in the newspaper? There are other ways. Let's discuss social media ....
    Property-a-holics Buy to let lenders tighten up on mortgage fraud
    Stickies & Evergreen Wave Goodbye to old Property Tribes ... Say Hello ... New PT will go live next week !!! **Please read**
    Property-a-holics The Tenancy Deposit Scheme is coming to Scotland in July.
    Mortgages & Finance Am I deluded but everyone seems at it - No Money Down?
    Investors in Distress Has the Tribe fallen out of love with property or with each other...
    Investors in Distress JV partners on PT ?
    Property-a-holics Cheaper to buy a house than rent one!
    Entrepreneurs NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programmming)
    Property-a-holics House prices in 20 years.
    Property-a-holics Does he know something we don't?
    Property-a-holics Dramatically improve your cashflow by doing this very simple thing ... !
    Property-a-holics Due Diligence - New Partner
    Property-a-holics Big Issue seller wins right to claim housing benefit ....