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  • Amjed Khan

    Tribe Topic
    Investors in Distress Warning! George Gannon… my experience
    Commercial Property Self help repairs
    Commercial Property How to invest £350K for passive income?
    Entrepreneurs Kevin Green Fans - Help Me Understand!
    Refurbish/Develop Up to date electrical safety standards
    In the Spotlight Tiny positives
    Property-a-holics Purchasing property from "vulnerable" seller?
    Problem Tenants Advice wanted on non-paying tenant
    Wanted & Recommendations LNPG - landlords achieving discounts?
    Commercial Property Commercial Property Investing - part 2
    Property-a-holics Do YOU believe in the 18 year cycle? Where??
    Tax S24 bites - 300% increase in tax bill!
    Refurbish/Develop Asbestos Removal
    Mortgages & Finance Is it better to save a deposit or borrow It ?
    Buy-to-Let Constructing a plan - Help?
    Refurbish/Develop Sustainable Refurbishment
    Refurbish/Develop New boiler & shower costs?
    Buy-to-Let Influx of GRQ seekers ... recurring theme?
    Wanted & Recommendations Firm specialising in holiday let tax
    Buy-to-Let Properties in Ferryhill, DL17 County Durham