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  • Paul Shamplina

    Paul Shamplina

    Tribe Topic
    Problem Tenants Obtaining arrears - enforcing court judgement
    Property-a-holics Response to BBC property training programme
    Rent-to-Rent Rent2Rent - what trainers fail to tell you
    Property-a-holics Positive mindset and mental health discussion
    CoronaNomics Ranjan Battacharya launches eviction petition
    CoronaNomics Bailiffs not working due to Covid19
    Problem Tenants When can I serve notice on non-paying tenant?
    Problem Tenants New "Extreme Evictions" series drops - Ch. 5
    CoronaNomics Master of Rolls - Eviction ban ending Sunday
    CoronaNomics Government makes eviction ban U-turn!
    Problem Tenants Small claims court action for tenant arrears
    Problem Tenants Tips to encourage a tenant to move on
    Problem Tenants AWOL tenant - how to end tenancy?
    Property-a-holics NRLA repossessions ban webinar - 1st July
    Problem Tenants Section 8 notice period?
    LHA/Universal Credit Tenants inform UC I am not their landlord!
    CoronaNomics Template letter & advice - non-paying tenants
    Legal FAQs Tenant has sub-let and created an HMO!
    Problem Tenants CCJ info please
    Legal FAQs Bailiff enforcement s21