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  • nathan_bubb

    Nathan Bubb

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Tortoise vs. the hare .... What type of property investor are you?
    Property-a-holics Property: Understanding "intrinsic" value ....
    Stickies & Evergreen UK Crash - Avoided or just Delayed?
    Property-a-holics Phil Martin - The Reality
    Self-Managing Landlords Still leafletting .... placing ads in the newspaper? There are other ways. Let's discuss social media ....
    Property-a-holics Question of the week: Is the property "wealth creation" industry facing change or extinction ... ?
    Property-a-holics buying the freehold from the crown
    Landlord Resources YPN Editorial - Sourcing Property For Investment
    Property-a-holics Am I expanding too fast?
    Property-a-holics My Lease Option Dilemma
    Entrepreneurs Suzanne Bates ... Inspirational lady!
    Property-a-holics Your House price forecast for 2011 please
    Property-a-holics Where will house prices be in 2020?
    Property-a-holics Guaranteed rent ... what's it all about then?
    Property-a-holics 'The No Money Down Sceptics are FOOLS‏'
    Property-a-holics Landlords ... more despised than Katie Price?
    Property-a-holics Fall in GDP can spell a growth in opportunities
    Property-a-holics Economics / property values question
    Buy-to-Let I find myself in a tricky situation and would be interested to know what YOU would do ....
    Entrepreneurs Is "How to ... ?" more empowering than "What if ... ?" ....?