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  • alex_tucker

    Alex Tucker

    Tribe Topic
    Self-Managing Landlords Search Engine Optimisation
    Holiday Lets Availability & Booking Systems for Own Website
    Refurbish/Develop Staging/furnishing your sales property
    Refurbish/Develop Ikea Kitchens - whats the verdict?
    Property-a-holics Investing in Surrey
    Refurbish/Develop Buy to Sell - Developing Ideas
    Mortgages & Finance Bridging Finance-the pitfalls
    Holiday Lets Website for furnished holiday lets?.
    Investors in Distress Could what is happening in Cyprus tonight start a run on other banks?
    Self-Managing Landlords Still leafletting .... placing ads in the newspaper? There are other ways. Let's discuss social media ....
    Landlord Resources Trader on BBC says Eurozone market will crash ...
    Property-a-holics Affiliate Marketing
    Buy-to-Let How would BOE Interest Rates at 6% by end of 2012 impact your business ?
    Community Inflation and the fall in the value of Sterling
    Property-a-holics Auctions
    Community Can the global economy be weaned off debt?
    Property-a-holics 600,000 mortgages currently paid by credit card - estimated to go to 3 million if interest rates rise by 2%
    Property-a-holics Web-sites used by property investors to find rated professional and trade contacts
    New Landlords Advice on trading up a residential property - help needed!
    Property-a-holics How will the recent horrific Japan earthquake and the disturbing events in Libya affect property investors