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  • Lockmark

    Mark Roberts

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics fao admin - have you deleted my civil unrest
    Property-a-holics Which is the best route to purchase?
    Commercial Property Documenting my commercial property journey
    Mortgages & Finance Gap funding while marketing a property
    Property-a-holics Electric heating & water advice
    Property-a-holics 2025 EPC changes shaping BTL buying choices?
    Property-a-holics When is rewiring required?
    Stickies & Evergreen If you had half a million quid..........
    Property-a-holics Advice RE Public Sewer Under
    Refurbish/Develop Access via a housing association service road
    Property-a-holics Radon affected area
    Property-a-holics Any issues with selling without an agent?
    Mortgages & Finance Valuation after planning for bridging
    Refurbish/Develop Electrics - quote?
    Property-a-holics Alternative planning permission wanted
    Mortgages & Finance Sell or hold this East Ham BTL?
    Refurbish/Develop Viable to flip property in current market?
    Refurbish/Develop VAT on flips
    Property-a-holics Is this an acceptable way to make an offer?
    Refurbish/Develop Trusting building warranties