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  • PropertyGuy

    Simon Hilton

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Best ways to add value to a property ... ?
    Stickies & Evergreen Is BTL dead or am I just late to the party?
    HMO & Multi-Lets 5 bed, 4 bathroom HMO in Crawley
    Short Term Rentals Rise of "pop up" brothels in rented property
    Property Prices Where next for house prices?
    Property-a-holics Reasons I am feeling positive about BTL!
    Tax How can I be +ve with a tax rate of 70% ish?
    Refurbish/Develop Fresh start with £150k what would you do?
    Banking, Equity, & Debt Buy to Let Interest Only - we were mis-sold
    Property-a-holics Joint Ventures (JV) & FCA regulation
    Buy-to-Let Corbynomics and the impact on Buy to Let
    Property Prices Carney warns - house price crash if no Brexit
    Buy-to-Let Landlords becoming millionaires through LHA
    Property-a-holics Why higher value properties are better
    Property-a-holics Lenders wanting to see tax return - no income
    Buy-to-Let Stunned by Down-Valuation in 2018
    Entrepreneurs Life lessons: Trusting wealth creation sector
    Buy-to-Let Living the Buy to Let dream ...
    Buy-to-Let Self certification - overseas brokers for UK
    Refurbish/Develop Is £100K to do BTS flips enough ... ?