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  • sally_asling_surreylets

    Sally Asling (SurreyLets)

    Tribe Topic
    Refurbish/Develop Letting out a granny annex
    Property-a-holics Tenants say the funniest things ....
    Buy-to-Let 2011 Business Plan - Start Letting Agent - Landlords, would you trust me?
    Buy-to-Let Councils telling tenants in rent arrears to wait to be evicted.
    Property-a-holics Brooking Rentals Guildford
    Self-Managing Landlords Still leafletting .... placing ads in the newspaper? There are other ways. Let's discuss social media ....
    Property-a-holics It make me so cross!
    Property-a-holics Can any of you Landlords help some tenants here please?
    Landlord Resources Free book for Landlords & PT members from @surreylets ...
    Property-a-holics The best investment you can make ... and it's not in property! (Hint, hint)
    Buy-to-Let Agent Renewal Fees (post Foxtons)
    Buy-to-Let Continuing a tenancy: renew 6 month AST or let it become periodic - what do people do?
    Property-a-holics Southcourt Lettings Package
    Property-a-holics My Big Fat Property Debate #mbfpd
    Buy-to-Let Letting Agent gone bust
    Property-a-holics There is only so far I can take Open Random and Supportive......
    Buy-to-Let Inspecting my property before tenant's lease comes to an end
    Property-a-holics DPS query
    Entrepreneurs Is "How to ... ?" more empowering than "What if ... ?" ....?
    Property-a-holics Please may I have an opinion from Landlords