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  • Andrew_C

    Andrew Cox

    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Starting off with £100K in BTL
    Buy-to-Let Renters Rights Bill - your business response?
    Legal FAQs Invasive plants
    Property Prices BrExit - impact on property market
    Stickies & Evergreen Anxiety or depression in property or landlordism
    Landlord Resources BTL Checklist
    Refurbish/Develop Dealing with a dodgy builder - suggestions?
    Investors in Distress Recovering sourcing fee for a no show
    Property-a-holics Private landlords blamed for increasing homelessness
    Property-a-holics The effect of flooding on U.K. property prices
    Property-a-holics Investing in Surrey
    Property-a-holics PT Exclusive: Fergus Wilson's recommendations to Government for landlords
    Property-a-holics Mice
    Property-a-holics Labour to target Landlords
    Property-a-holics BMV misselling - who would be accountable, broker or purchaser?
    Property-a-holics Does Carney have a clue?
    Property-a-holics The REAL driver behind the U.K. property market ...
    Property-a-holics Estate agent stopped from buying property 50% BMV from vulnerable old man
    Buy-to-Let Buying to temporarily rent back - legal?
    Refurbish/Develop Few refurb question - electrics, kitchens, roofs and surveyors...