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  • Tranter


    Tribe Topic
    Buy-to-Let Afghan families - anyone housed them?
    Leasehold Property I came across this leasehold 'gem'
    Property-a-holics How much to drip feed into funds?
    Buy-to-Let "Eye watering" rent rises reported across UK
    New Landlords Good time to buy a £60K BTL property?
    Property-a-holics NRLA calling for property "passports"
    Property-a-holics NRLA - Community-generated list of policies
    Buy-to-Let Retiring landlord - alternative to selling up
    London Property Market 107 applicants for 1 bed flat in N5
    Property-a-holics Illegal fence
    Buy-to-Let Farewell Mr. Dinner Party Landlord!
    Buy-to-Let Deal sourcing and guaranteed rent
    Property-a-holics Preparations for National Landlord Register?
    HMO & Multi-Lets Council Tax - per HMO bedroom stealth tax
    HMO & Multi-Lets HMO - Is it worth it?!?
    Buy-to-Let Bristol to pilot rent controls
    Legal FAQs Is it illegal to burn wood outside?
    Buy-to-Let Would you increase rent after 15 years?
    Buy-to-Let New tenant is not happy about lack of blinds
    Buy-to-Let UK large Landlord on why he is selling up