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  • Mark Alexander

    Mark Alexander

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Property sourcers aren't selling deals that are really 30% BMV!
    Investors in Distress West Bromwich Building Society Tracker Rate Hike
    Self-Managing Landlords Search Engine Optimisation
    Buy-to-Let 20%+ ROCI on Established London Property
    Buy-to-Let 10% off to redeem early anybody?
    Buy-to-Let Does a landlord have to give a reference to a departing tenant?
    Property-a-holics Fit & Proper vs the Undesirables
    Buy-to-Let Raising Standards or Raising Funds?
    Insurance Boiler insurance
    Buy-to-Let Rent2Rent - a bit like Marmite?
    Buy-to-Let New Wizard to calculate your returns
    Property-a-holics @IAmALandlord Tweet Tweet
    Buy-to-Let Useful Spreadsheets
    Property-a-holics Landlords should not be allowed to let their own properties
    Property-a-holics Buy to let lenders tighten up on mortgage fraud
    Buy-to-Let Best Buy to Let mortgage lender
    Refurbish/Develop Property Development Finance News from a respected Commercial Finance Broker
    Community Predictions for #Euro2012 ???
    Property-a-holics Bank base rate and LIBOR trackers question
    Property-a-holics Was the budget a missed opportunity to stimulate the housing market