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  • John Howard

    John Howard

    Tribe Topic
    Tax "Property Matters" - Budget 2021 full review
    Property-a-holics Feeling positive about property in 2021!
    In the Spotlight Live event : Best investment of the 2020's?
    Property-a-holics Market up-date & crystal ball gazing for 2021
    Auction Tribe 7 top tips for buying property at auction
    Refurbish/Develop My thoughts on new PD rights
    Refurbish/Develop Impact of Covid19 on property development
    Refurbish/Develop Before and after - Thorndon development
    Property-a-holics Short lived stimulus of Sunak "energy drink"
    Property-a-holics The future for the post-Covid property sector
    Auction Tribe Misleading auction results
    Mortgages & Finance Some thoughts on funding during Covid19
    Property Seminars Use lock-down to increase property knowledge!
    Property Seminars My training seminars are going on-line!
    Property-a-holics My response to the CoronaVirus crisis
    Refurbish/Develop Even experienced developers get caught out!
    Refurbish/Develop My 15 top tips for property development
    Commercial Property Commercial property development tips
    Property Seminars Launch of my 2020 Seminar programme
    Refurbish/Develop Video: My first acquisition of 2020