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  • Special K

    Special K

    Tribe Topic
    Landlord Resources Right to Rent guide - November 2020 up-date
    Property-a-holics Energy Performance Certificate EPC Exemption
    Legal FAQs More than one guarantor for single applicant
    Legal FAQs Should I reserve the new format of EPC?
    Property Management Explanation of Client Money Protection
    Property-a-holics Tenant onboarding paperwork is now a booklet
    Legal FAQs Change in Gas Safety Cert record keeping
    Property-a-holics Vetting persons Covid19 belief discrimination
    Property-a-holics Rishi Sunak caveat in self employed speech
    Property Management Do Let Agents need Landlord to have UK bank
    Legal FAQs Can deposit be collected before signing AST
    Property-a-holics Tenant enquiries from Corona virus regions
    Refurbish/Develop Garage conversion building reg questions
    Wanted & Recommendations Furniture stabilising suggestions
    Property Management Help changing composite door lock mechanism
    Tenant Referencing Can tenant pay reference fees?
    Buy-to-Let Is "Right to Rent" working or failing?
    Tenant Referencing Best Tenant Reference agency recommendations
    Legal FAQs Rent Collection via Credit Card payment
    Property-a-holics Lesson learnt. Get ECIR prior to completion