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  • David Blythe

    David Blythe

    Tribe Topic
    Property-a-holics Importance of local knowledge
    Property-a-holics Incredible rental demand!
    Refurbish/Develop instagram picture story daily on loft and ext
    Property-a-holics Demand for 4 bed houses
    London Property Market South London doing just fine post Covid19
    Property-a-holics Tenants left behind pigeons!
    Property-a-holics Anyone business as usual?
    Property-a-holics Ideas for loft spaces
    Self-Managing Landlords Watch out for OpenRent spam filters!
    Buy-to-Let Company BTL - Uncommercial Lenders
    London Property Market Making a London house pay its way
    Property-a-holics Automatic Opening Vents
    Mortgages & Finance BTL Mortgage with a holding Company
    Property-a-holics EPC from a B to a C
    London Property Market London is a mad place to buy
    Property-a-holics Tenant demand - room lets vs. whole dwelling
    Refurbish/Develop Development diary - 2 new 1 bed flats
    Wanted & Recommendations Solictor wanted for Developer
    Property-a-holics Prior approval for change of use from office
    Property-a-holics Surprised how good commercial premises are