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  • paul_barrett

    Paul Barrett

    Tribe Topic
    HMO & Multi-Lets HMO - (ICTB) Individual Council Tax Banding
    Tax Landlord apathy will be the death of us
    Tax Warning of closure of ltd. co. loophole
    Tax Warning of closure of ltd. co. loophole
    Tax What makes others think Section 24 will go?
    Stickies & Evergreen Institutional investors set to revolutionise private rental sector
    Stickies & Evergreen Institutional investors set to revolutionise private rental sector
    HMO & Multi-Lets 5 bed, 4 bathroom HMO in Crawley
    Property-a-holics Trust - How easily we are fooled.
    Tax How can I be +ve with a tax rate of 70% ish?
    Buy-to-Let Proposals by a Tory Govt to make tenants pay 10% of their LHA!
    Property-a-holics Big ideas for small spaces ....
    Property Prices BrExit - impact on property market
    LHA/Universal Credit RGI for HB tenants!?
    Tax Government challenged on landlord tax claims
    Buy-to-Let Critique my deal -15% ROI too good to be true
    Buy-to-Let Rent controls are coming
    Community Landlords finding their way to Property Tribes
    Community Landlords finding their way to Property Tribes
    Community Landlords finding their way to Property Tribes